From BUZZ to Reality
Major trends in media technologies
Wednesday June 18, 2025 - ÉTS - Montreal
Your SMPTE Montreal/Quebec Committee is preparing, once again this year, a Bootcamp on the most important technological issues of the day.
Over the past decade, we've brought you bootcamps focusing on unique topics. Over the years, we've covered the biggest trends in our industry.
For Bootcamp 2025, we'd like to take a look at some of the key technology trends, to see how they've evolved and where they stand in terms of adoption.
Have these trends become realities, are they now an integral part of our production facilities, or have they simply disappeared?
And have there been any new trends since then?
As a starting point for our planning, we drew on trend surveys conducted by organizations such as the IABM (International Association of Broadcast Manufacturers) and Devoncroft, and identified 12 key technology trends.
As usual, we'll be sending you details of this exciting day as they become available.
So mark your calendar: Wednesday, June 18, 2025.
In the meantime, to help us prioritize the most important trends for our community, we're adopting a pre-consultation approach with you.
We therefore invite you to take part in a survey designed to find out how important each of these trends is in your environment.
The results of this survey will determine which topics we cover and how much time we devote to each. Your input will therefore play an important role in the event's agenda.
Click on the button below to access the survey
We hope you'll take the time to complete it.
The organizing committee